Friday, 18 September 2015

Choosing My Genius Hour Question

When you are about to dedicate four weeks of your life to a project, you want that project to be a good one. I spent a fair amount of time humming and hawing about what I wanted to do my project on. I knew that I was going to do something do with creative writing, I just didn't know what. I thought about doing a research project looking at how creative writing impacts students, and I liked the idea, but... it just didn't seem like The Project that I would remain passionate about for four weeks. What I finally did decide to do is almost the same question, except I switched out "research about" to "make". Well, I'll still be doing some research, but not from any academic writing located on jstor like I had originally considered. With this reworked idea, my research is coming from reading children's books, and I'm using this research to imitate the best features from those when I create my own story. That's right, my Genius Hour question is "How can I teach a moral through a children's story?" I shall track my progress by keeping a record of how much I write per week and what I find difficult or challenging about the project. Going through this process to find my question has taught me that I prefer to actually do something rather than read about it. I feel as though I can do more good for children by actually writing a story rather than talking about how stories can benefit them.

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